Masum 2010...
26,27 and 28th feb 2010...
with 18 athlete,1 coach and 1 fisio we won 8golds,8silver and 6bronze...
telah di amanahkan oleh coach tuk lari 200m,4x100m and 4x400m...huh for the first time ever i ran 400m...well well well...hahaha sgt giler....tak penah terlintas and sgt teruja bile sume org sgt suke aku dpt lari 4x400m even kitorg silver medal but then kalah dgn bermaruah...
to my team 4x100m..we all lose to second place but..kalah dgn bermaruah la.... me, i still feel that i can do more better than that,but maybe dh lame tak lari solo after 1and half year...still ok la..blkg senior2 aku tu...
too much memory with all of u...
btw congrats to linda hussin...dpt olhrgwti masum 2010...hahaha
thanx to my coach zahid for trust and train aku tuk lari
...hope after aku still keep on training for another game2 yg akan dtg....yg lain kak mai as fisio,k.ana,k.cik,chempoi,linda,seha,liza,adah,yuna,black...and the guys..lan,bedal,saufee,edie,fredie,najib,nepal,fikri,zul...
thanx 4 all the support and the shwet memory with u guys...even ada yg last masum n first masum tp tak penah pun nk beza2..sume org same jer..thanx and congrats all of u...
hope for the next masum uitm will win medal yg kite kalah tahun nie..
last for not my head supporter and my manager..me_sinki a.k.a mumu..
thanx kak..alwez support muk...sanggup berpanas tggu nk ikut game gak...n i really appreciate and not expected that u will come on sunday...thanx again sis...even parent muk tak tp akak dh da tuk wat muk anggap mak n abah ada sokong muk..thanx again..luv u...
26,27 and 28th feb 2010...
with 18 athlete,1 coach and 1 fisio we won 8golds,8silver and 6bronze...
telah di amanahkan oleh coach tuk lari 200m,4x100m and 4x400m...huh for the first time ever i ran 400m...well well well...hahaha sgt giler....tak penah terlintas and sgt teruja bile sume org sgt suke aku dpt lari 4x400m even kitorg silver medal but then kalah dgn bermaruah...
to my team 4x100m..we all lose to second place but..kalah dgn bermaruah la.... me, i still feel that i can do more better than that,but maybe dh lame tak lari solo after 1and half year...still ok la..blkg senior2 aku tu...
too much memory with all of u...
btw congrats to linda hussin...dpt olhrgwti masum 2010...hahaha
thanx to my coach zahid for trust and train aku tuk lari

thanx 4 all the support and the shwet memory with u guys...even ada yg last masum n first masum tp tak penah pun nk beza2..sume org same jer..thanx and congrats all of u...
hope for the next masum uitm will win medal yg kite kalah tahun nie..
last for not my head supporter and my manager..me_sinki a.k.a mumu..
thanx kak..alwez support muk...sanggup berpanas tggu nk ikut game gak...n i really appreciate and not expected that u will come on sunday...thanx again sis...even parent muk tak tp akak dh da tuk wat muk anggap mak n abah ada sokong muk..thanx again..luv u...
hehe...luv u too muk!! mesti terharu kan kita dtg ari tue...
ReplyDeletehahaha...luv u too kak...mstilah...aduyai
ReplyDeletehahaha...luv u too kak...mstilah...aduyai