..setelah sekian lama tidak meng update kan blog..yeah akhirnya..~
..masih lg bekerja kat EF..
well...~ slalu update fb and twitter so it's time for blog lak..wakaka.~
it's most preciuos day for my sister..only sister..nyah..~
..her wedding reception...
..alhamdulillah..semuanya berjalan dgn lancar even b4 tu ada probs..well thanx to mum,dad,siblings and sis irah..tq so much for making the day for her..~
..alhamdulillah juge ramai yg dtg dr pukul 11.30am smpi la ke ptg pun masih ada lg yg dtg..even mlm ptt nya ada even,tp last minute mak cancelkan sbb hujan..so 1fmly jer potong and makan kek..hehehe..~
so here some of the pic of the day at taman meru and also at gopeng..
..check it out!!!
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